- You have no cause to believe that you have COVID-19 (an NHS symptom-checker can be
found here) or may have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.
- You have been meeting the Government COVID guidelines and physical-distancing when
not at work as defined here.
- As far as you are aware, you have not been in close contact with a confirmed case of
COVID-19 or anyone who is showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within the last
7 days.
- You have not travelled to, nor to your knowledge had any contact with any individual
travelling from any high COVID-risk countries (as deemed by UK FCO) in the 7 days prior
to the shoot.
- You have not had a cough, or a temperature of 38 degrees centigrade or above in the
last 7 days.
- If you develop a cough or a temperature of 38 degrees centigrade or above at any point
before or during or within 7 days following the shoot you will immediately inform the
photographer/production company engaging you.
- If you are over 70 years of age or have any pre-existing condition which would put
yourself at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, as defined by the Government
here, you must inform the photographer.
- You will notify the photographer immediately should anything change as regards to the above
- You have either heard or read and understood and agree to abide by these guidelines